Irrespective of the fact whether the Clients purchase the real estate for the first time or it is another investment or just they rent their fancy apartment – there are always emotions connected therewith. Of course, rational arguments also are of importance. However the visual aspect and a rich range of feelings have a huge influence on the final decisions connected with the transaction. In such situations, the professionally conducted Home Staging comes along with assistance which takes care for positive feelings and associations and in addition, will increase the range of recipients.
Home Staging is a service which while using proper tools gets to the potential sleeping in the real estate. It increases its investment value and shortens the time of the transaction’s finalization. The task of Home Staging is to create the space which will allow for the purchaser/tenant to image themselves in a new place and due to that will facilitate to make a decision.
However all these activities which aim at making the property more attractive and indicating the functionalities of the interior should be supported with deep knowledge on the real estate market, familiarization of target groups and their purchase preferences or trends in equipment and interior décor. Bestate is able to guarantee this for you
It is you who decide which scope of Home Staging you want to use.
We offer:
- consultation on the spot or online during which we will talk on the real estate, your expectations, possible scenarios concerning the space being the subject of the transaction,
- consultation on the spot o online with purchase report. All the activities above we complete with detailed written report with the purchase list and careful indication of the places and prices and target placement of furniture or accessories,
- full Home Staging – except for the visit on the spot or online conversation and purchase report we will deal with the purchases, interior décor and we will take for professional photos of the real estate.
The cost of Home Staging is certainly lower than the first discount while negotiating the price.
It’s no use taking risk, wasting time and capital.
We invite for cooperation!
in Krakow Ewelina Pelowska, tel. 600 063 605
in Zakopane Izabela Siewierska, tel. 509 503 030